The tip bot automatically creates a waves wallet for all new members. This way we can tip fast and easy without asking for waves wallet and spend time to login to wallet to make transfer.
How to use tip bot:
1. Check your balance by typing /bal
2. Check your tip bot address by typing /address
3. You can talk in private with tip bot here: @WGOTippingBot (in telegram)
4. Get all tip bot commands by typing /tips
To make a transfer the bot need to know your: waves address + amount + token name. If you wanted to transfer 200 Waves World to your wallet then check the example below:
/withdraw 3P3PfgFKpfisSW6RCsbmgWXtwUH8fHAESw4 200 Waves World
(Spelling need to be 100% correct or bot dont work.)
6. Does it cost fees to withdraw?
Yes its a waves wallet so it cost 0.001 waves to move/transfer tokens (we also pay fees to tip).
7. Tip another member
Tip another member with /tip command, the bot need: telegram @username + amount + token name. Let say you wanted to tip 50 Waves World to Mike, see example below:
/tip @WavesWorldio 50 Waves World
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